
Press Kit

Last update : 2024.05.09

Artist Photo

Takayuki Tominaga

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Takayuki Tominaga

VJとしてはBeginningや、WEEKEND RAVERS、RIP、THE DAY OF HARDCORE、agefarreといったクラブシーンを代表するイベントの演出を担当するほか、ライブの映像制作や映像演出も手がける。
2022年には新木場ageHaや、SOUND MUSEUM VISIONのGrand Finalの映像演出を担当しており、クラブからの信頼も厚い。
近年では渋谷WOMBや渋谷Circus Tokyo、ZEROTOKYO新宿歌舞伎町タワーといったクラブでのVJが活動の中心となっている。
DJとしてキャリアをスタートしており、音楽知識に裏打ちされた演出は数多くのアーティストから評価されている。現在もAkuaMarineと共にMidnight Inciteを共催する。

VJ for events as Beginning, WEEKEND RAVERS, RIP, THE DAY OF HARDCORE, agefarre, etc., leading events in Japanese club culture. I also produce and direct videos for live performances.
With a backbone in IT and web design, specialized in configuring video systems that take use of live cameras and projection mapping.
Having been in charge of visual performance for many foreign artists visiting Japan, it is highly acclaimed for visual performance that emphasizes the harmony of sound and lighting.
In 2021, formed the visual performance unit “Photone” with VJ Hatoto.
In 2022, in charge of visual performance for the Grand Final of SOUND MUSEUM VISION and Shinkiba ageHa, and is highly trusted by clubs.
In recent years, mainly VJing at clubs such as Shibuya WOMB and ZEROTOKYO Shinjuku Kabukicho Tower.
Started career as a DJ, and direction backed by knowledge of music has been highly appreciated by many artists. Continuing to DJ, currently hosting Midnight Incite with AkuaMarine.



There is no artist logo. Please use any font for the notation. Please observe the following conditions.

  • The artist’s name must be “Takayuki Tominaga. Shortenings like “Tominaga” or “Takayuki” are not allowed.
  • Credits are not a requirement.
  • There is no need to have fonts.
    • Sans-serif fonts are generally recommended. Personally, I prefer the following typefaces.
    • It is not recommended to use display fonts with excessive decoration.

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